Anime Archive

With Sexy Folder Icons

How it looks in Dopus

This is a Showcase of how I manage my Anime Archive and how I added some style to a bunch of otherwise just folders
you can use this approach for more than just Anime, like music and TV-Shows or Movies, but this is up to you.

The Script that's making all of this possible

This PowerShell script will ask for a starting folder, then from there go into every folder present at a depth of 0 and remove the desktop.ini (if it finds one) and write a new desktop.ini with the Icon File Parameter as = FOLDER.ico Then it will hide the desktop.ini and change the folder it was written to into a system folder.

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $True,valueFromPipeline=$true)][String] $path)
      $ini = '[.ShellClassInfo]
          '                          ### empty line: important
      Push-Location $path
      $items = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Directory -Depth 0
          Select-Object    -ExpandProperty FullName
      foreach ($item in $items)
          Push-Location -LiteralPath "$item"
          #Init. Delete desktop.ini if exist
          try {
              Remove-Item desktop.ini -Force -erroraction stop
          catch {                    ### Write-Host "error removing $($item)"
          #Write desktop.ini
          Write-Host "Go to $($item)"
          $ini | Out-File desktop.ini -Force
          Set-ItemProperty desktop.ini -Name Attributes -Value “Hidden”
          #attrib.exe +S "$item"
          $item.Attributes ='Directory,System'

You can save this in a .ps1 file or run out of the PowerShell ISE

Download Link

Why do you change the folder attributes into system folder?
This is needed because Windows really does not like to show Icon Files if the Folder is not a System Folder, you know how some folders like pictures and videos have custom icons?

that's how they did it.

So now that we know what it will do, what do you need to prepare:

Folders in which your Anime / Show is in
Inside there is an icon file for that show named FOLDER.ico

If you did everything right, your folder structure should look similar to this

    --Clannad []
      --Episode 1.mkv
      --Episode 2.mkv
    --Lucky Star []
      --Episode 1.mkv
      --Episode 2.mkv
  So if you now execute the script the folowing will happen.
  Prompt: Please Provide a path?
  path: C:\MyAnimes\
  These [] folders will have a folder icon after running the script
    --Clannad []
      --Episode 1.mkv
      --Episode 2.mkv
    --Lucky Star []
      --Episode 1.mkv
      --Episode 2.mkv

Thats all, now you will have some sexy folder icons

Here is how it would look like in the Windows Explorer

Usefull Resources

Aikino Github - Tool to create icons
tvdb - Website with a lot of posters for shows
TMDB - Aikino uses this in the background
DOPUS - My file manager that replaces the Windows Explorer

In the end there are many other sources for folder icons, also many ready-made packs, mostly on deviant art
I really liked the DVD case style, so I used Aikino to create all of mine
the biggest problem is sometimes finding posters in a good resolution here I can only encourage you to use the reverse image search functions of Google and Yandex

Used References

How to customize folders with desktop .ini
How to remove read only attribute recursively on windows